Stan Adams
photo of Stan  Adams
Black / African descent
Lives in:
Overland Park, KS (United States)
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I Have A DreamI Have A Dream>
2:17  |  3.0 / 0.0
Elections have consequences!Elections have consequences!>
1:58  |  1.0 / 0.0
The Gentleman Is Wrong!The Gentleman Is Wrong!>
1:47  |  1.0 / 0.0
Who the bleep is this Breitbart idiot?!Who the bleep is this Breitbart idiot?!>
3:14  |  1.0 / 0.0
Old Spice...Because you deserve the best?Old Spice...Because you deserve the best?>
0:25  |  1.0 / 0.0
Morehouse men rap about homecomingMorehouse men rap about homecoming>
10:17  |  1.0 / 0.0
Old Spiced UpOld Spiced Up>
0:32  |  1.0 / 0.0
Not Your Father's Old SpiceNot Your Father's Old Spice>
0:31  |  1.0 / 0.0
Gabrielle's version of Walk On ByGabrielle's version of Walk On By>
3:27  |  1.0 / 0.0
Spelman Delta ladies ready to see Rick Ross concertSpelman Delta ladies ready to see Rick Ross concert>
1:07  |  0.0 / 0.0
Scenes before the Rick Ross concertScenes before the Rick Ross concert>
0:09  |  0.0 / 0.0
Morehouse alum enjoying 2010 Spelhouse HomecomingMorehouse alum enjoying 2010 Spelhouse Homecoming>
5:08  |  0.0 / 0.0
Fitted for Success - Morehouse Men stylin!Fitted for Success - Morehouse Men stylin!>
1:27  |  0.0 / 0.0
Sights and sounds at the Alumni Pre-Game partySights and sounds at the Alumni Pre-Game party>
1:16  |  0.0 / 0.0
Sights and sounds at the Alumni Pre-Game partySights and sounds at the Alumni Pre-Game party>
0:52  |  0.0 / 0.0
Sights and sounds at the Alumni Pre-Game partySights and sounds at the Alumni Pre-Game party>
0:26  |  0.0 / 0.0
Sights and sounds outside the Alumni Pre-Game PartySights and sounds outside the Alumni Pre-Game Party>
0:22  |  0.0 / 0.0
"I love haters" apparel Cali-style"I love haters" apparel Cali-style>
0:40  |  0.0 / 0.0
Spelhouse Homecoming reflectionsSpelhouse Homecoming reflections>
0:58  |  0.0 / 0.0
Morehouse man ready for the partyMorehouse man ready for the party>
0:44  |  0.0 / 0.0
Chris knows where to find the Spelhouse videos...Chris knows where to find the Spelhouse videos...>
0:04  |  0.0 / 0.0
Spelhouse - Keeping it real before the show...Spelhouse - Keeping it real before the show...>
0:22  |  0.0 / 0.0
Street scenes at homecomingStreet scenes at homecoming>
5:48  |  0.0 / 0.0
Street scenes at homecoming flowStreet scenes at homecoming flow>
4:46  |  0.0 / 0.0
Student take on Morehouse homecoming 2010Student take on Morehouse homecoming 2010>
0:41  |  0.0 / 0.0
Student take on Morehouse homecoming 2010Student take on Morehouse homecoming 2010>
1:23  |  0.0 / 0.0
Spelhouse Coronation dancersSpelhouse Coronation dancers>
1:26  |  0.0 / 0.0
Spelhouse Graduate Kickback SocialSpelhouse Graduate Kickback Social>
3:31  |  0.0 / 0.0
Spelhouse Coronation kicks offSpelhouse Coronation kicks off>
0:53  |  0.0 / 0.0
Spelhouse Coronation showingSpelhouse Coronation showing>
0:39  |  0.0 / 0.0
Morehouse entreprenuers at homecomingMorehouse entreprenuers at homecoming>
0:09  |  0.0 / 0.0
Sights and scenes outside Forbes ArenaSights and scenes outside Forbes Arena>
0:19  |  0.0 / 0.0
Morehouse fashion statements at Homecoming 2010Morehouse fashion statements at Homecoming 2010>
0:57  |  0.0 / 0.0
Galactic Ascension - Spelhouse 2010 Homecoming 12Galactic Ascension - Spelhouse 2010 Homecoming 12>
0:49  |  0.0 / 0.0
Ladies struttin' on the runway...Ladies struttin' on the runway...>
0:24  |  0.0 / 0.0
Galactic Ascension - Spelhouse 2010 HomecomingGalactic Ascension - Spelhouse 2010 Homecoming>
0:40  |  0.0 / 0.0
Galactic Ascension - Spelhouse 2010 Homecoming 8Galactic Ascension - Spelhouse 2010 Homecoming 8>
0:29  |  0.0 / 0.0
Galactic Ascension - Spelhouse 2010 HomecomingGalactic Ascension - Spelhouse 2010 Homecoming>
0:20  |  0.0 / 0.0
Galactic Ascension - Spelhouse 2010 HomecomingGalactic Ascension - Spelhouse 2010 Homecoming>
0:31  |  0.0 / 0.0
Civil Rights Photog a FBI informant - Big Deal?Civil Rights Photog a FBI informant - Big Deal?>
2:36  |  0.0 / 0.0
Chris Rock Provides Public Service AnnouncementChris Rock Provides Public Service Announcement>
3:51  |  0.0 / 0.0
Denard vs UConn 2010Denard vs UConn 2010>
4:00  |  0.0 / 0.0
Like all great things, old spiceLike all great things, old spice>
0:43  |  0.0 / 0.0
Galactic Ascension - Spelhouse 2010 Homecoming 10Galactic Ascension - Spelhouse 2010 Homecoming 10>
1:02  |  0.0 / 0.0
Galactic Ascension - Spelhouse 2010 Homecoming 13Galactic Ascension - Spelhouse 2010 Homecoming 13>
1:06  |  0.0 / 0.0
Spelhouse Homecoming 2010 - Galactic AscensionSpelhouse Homecoming 2010 - Galactic Ascension>
3:00  |  0.0 / 0.0
Special shout out from some VIP'sSpecial shout out from some VIP's>
0:02  |  0.0 / 0.0
Gucci boots in fashion at Neo Soul concertGucci boots in fashion at Neo Soul concert>
0:13  |  0.0 / 0.0
Check out more fashion after the Spelhouse Neo Soul concertCheck out more fashion after the Spelhouse Neo Soul concert>
0:12  |  0.0 / 0.0
Neo Soul Post Concert reactionsNeo Soul Post Concert reactions>
0:36  |  0.0 / 0.0
No Letting GoNo Letting Go>
4:06  |  0.0 / 0.0
Neo Soul Post Concert reactionsNeo Soul Post Concert reactions>
0:34  |  0.0 / 0.0
Richard is on the scene for the Homecoming funRichard is on the scene for the Homecoming fun>
0:24  |  0.0 / 0.0
Amber is ready for the Spelhouse Homecoming Step Show!Amber is ready for the Spelhouse Homecoming Step Show!>
0:26  |  0.0 / 0.0
Where's the party - at Spelhouse HomecomingWhere's the party - at Spelhouse Homecoming>
0:53  |  0.0 / 0.0
It's about to get crazy up in here!It's about to get crazy up in here!>
0:23  |  0.0 / 0.0
Sights and sounds at the Alumni Pre-Game partySights and sounds at the Alumni Pre-Game party>
0:47  |  -1.0 / 0.0
The Big House channel

Videos: 1     Views: 4,699
We The People channel

Videos: 1     Views: 4,075
Sights and sounds at the Alumni Pre-Game party "Do you want to hear him or do you want to hear me?" And you're OUT!
14 years, 5 months, 7 days ago (2010-03-17 ET)  
Sights and sounds at the Alumni Pre-Game party Ouch! Exhibit A for why you never, EVER try to out-talk a comedian - and frankly why you have to think twice about sitting in the front row!!
14 years, 5 months, 7 days ago (2010-03-17 ET)  
Sights and sounds at the Alumni Pre-Game party Now back to's ALL about back to ME!
14 years, 6 months, 28 days ago (2010-03-17 ET)  
Sights and sounds at the Alumni Pre-Game party Of course you do!
14 years, 6 months, 28 days ago (2010-03-17 ET)  
We The People channel What the what!?
14 years, 10 months, 25 days ago (2010-03-17 ET)